Easter Multi-Activity Camps Easter Multi-Activity Camps

Fun Easter holiday games and activities ideas for children

25 March 2024

Easter holidays are the perfect time for children to indulge in themed games and fun activities. A time spent with family and friends while participating in exciting, engaging and educational games can create lasting memories for children.

While the Easter bank holiday weekend was likely filled with a lot of egg hunting, there are plenty more games to keep children entertained for the second week of the holiday. There is no shortage of Easter themed games that will keep your children entertained and amazed during the holiday season – if you’re looking for some Easter holiday activities for kids we’ve listed a few ideas below.

Egg and Spoon Race

The egg and spoon race is a classic Easter game that children love. Each child is given an egg and a spoon, and the goal is to keep the egg on the spoon while running to the finish line. The first one to do it wins.

Pin the Tail on the Bunny

This game is an Easter version of the popular party game, pin the tail on the donkey. Instead of a donkey, you have a bunny, and instead of a tail, you use a carrot. Blindfold the kids and have them try to pin the carrot on the bunny's nose.

Easter Bingo

Easter bingo is a fun and educational game that is perfect for young children. Each child gets a bingo card with Easter themed images, and a caller picks out the images one by one. The child who gets five images in a row wins.

Easter Memory Game

The Easter memory game is another educational and fun game for children. You can make Easter-themed memory cards by cutting out eggs, bunnies, and chicks, and then matching them together. The children have to match the cards from memory.

Easter Trivia

An Easter trivia game is perfect for older children who love the challenge of answering questions. You can make your own Easter trivia game by researching fun facts about Easter and creating multiple choice questions.

These are just a few fun Easter-themed games that you can play with your children during the Easter holidays. Whether you are spending Easter at home or with friends and family, these games are sure to enhance the festivities and create unforgettable memories.