Easter Multi-Activity Camps Easter Multi-Activity Camps

What’s on at SuperCamps’ Knightsbridge holiday club this year?

25 January 2023

About the venue

In central London, SuperCamps at Prince’s Garden Preparatory School is ready to welcome children into its fun and exciting camp throughout the school holidays, including February half-term, Easter and summer. With stunning facilities such as multi-purpose areas and access to Imperial Gardens and Hyde Park, Prince’s Gardens is the ideal venue for SuperCamps’ Knightsbridge holiday club. 

Get ready to play

We are ready to open the doors to camp and start to have fun. With our entertaining holiday activities for kids we have lots to keep children engaged while on camp. Children will be able to take part in a diverse range of stimulating activities from arts and crafts to team activities and messy play. 

Specialist courses

For children interested in spending some time perfecting skills in specific areas, there are two specialist courses running this year - Lego® and Mad Science®. Children can join these 5-day courses to explore the different activities – such as de-coding DNA or building Lego cities - and get involved in new challenges and games each day.

Staying active

New for 2023, children attending this venue at Easter and Summer will be able to enjoy the Sports Hall and Swimming Pool facilities at next door’s Ethos Leisure Centre. With ball games, athletics, swimming and more, kids at camp will be able to enjoy themselves while staying active and keeping moving. 

Festival activities 

During the summer holidays, different festival activities will visit the venue allowing children to have fun new experiences such as Laser Tag and Zorbing. With a different festival activity coming to camp each week, children coming to our Knightsbridge holiday club will get to take part in fun and games outside of the everyday. 

Are you looking for holiday childcare in Knightsbridge?

Visit out Prince’s Garden Preparatory School venue page to learn more about camp, the activities we are running and to book your child’s place.